
How Do People Freebase Cocaine And Make Crack

Note - Using baking soda to FREE the cocaine BASE from cocaine hydrochloride (regular cocaine) results in a substance people call crack.

Crack is a less pure form of freebase cocaine than using ammonia and ether and gets its name from the crackling sound it makes when smoked.

Using ammonia (and ether) to FREE the cocaine BASE from cocaine hydrochloride (regular cocaine) results in a substance people call freebase cocaine.

This form of freeing the base is more time consuming and dangerous than making crack, but the result is more pure, and can give a larger yield than converting the same amount of cocaine to crack would.

While both forms of the drug can be called freebase cocaine, only crack (baking soda method) can be called crack.

Personal Opinion

I don't recommend doing it.


The information I post comes from a used booklet I bought a long time ago (Cocaine Handbook, by Davis).

Procedures for both substances (crack and freebase cocaine) are based on the fact that while cocaine hydrochloride (regular cocaine) requires a high temperature to ignite, base cocaine requires a much lower temperature to ignite. This makes it ideal for smoking.


Mix about 1 g of coke in 10 ml of water in a small vial. Slowly add drops of ammonia to the solution. A white milky precipitate will form. Stop adding ammonia when additional drops no longer result in precipitation.

Add 5 ml of ethyl ether, close vial, and shake. The precipitate (freebase) will dissolve in the ether. Siphon off the ether with a pipette (ether and water don't mix), and slowly drip it on a plate.

As the ether evaporates, white crystals will form. This is the evil freebase. Crush the crystals and put under a heat lamp for at least 24 hrs to let the solvent evaporate.


This is how Richard Pryor almost died. A lot of untrained people killed themselves doing that procedure, and this is why crack is now more popular.


Mix 2 parts of coke HCL to 1 part baking soda in 20 ml of water. Heat solution gently until white precipitates form, and stop heating when precipitation stops. Filter and keep precipitate.

Wash precipitate once with water (this procedure usually omitted in street product).

Dry 24 hours under heat lamp. Voila. The product is much less pure (there is lots of baking soda left) but the procedure is safer.

Common Crack Method

Mix 2 parts of coke HCL (regular cocaine) to 1 part baking soda in 20 ml of water. Heat solution gently until white precipitates form, and stop heating when precipitation stops.

After gentle heating, the freebase coke will float to the top, any excess soda will precipitate to the bottom.

Given that, you'd never filter it, and the 24 hour heat lamp thing is unrealistic, too.

Just collect the compound that rises to the top, and you have the finished product.

Note that what you're trying to do is start and sustain a chemical reaction (bonding the hcl with the base-soda) so as long as the reaction is happening you don't have to continue heating.

What Does This Accomplish

By doing something like one of the methods above, the resulting freebase cocaine is easy to smoke, it requires a lower temperature to ignite than non freebase cocaine.

If one were to smoke cocaine as is, there would be too much waste. Some people do smoke cocaine as is, but it is much more efficient to freebase or make crack.


Never inject crack or freebase cocaine, it can cause a heart attack or stroke. Both of which will probably kill you.


A Brief History of Cocaine

A well researched book about drugs in general, but cocaine in particular. It follows the role cocaine has played in world history, politics, economics, and science.

Learn how cocaine has been grown, refined, distributed, and abused around the world for centuries.

The author (a physician/historian) explains why the drug does what it does and why people use it, and he documents all his statements of fact with an extensive bibliography.

A Brief History of Cocaine

An In-Depth Look at the Facts
Science, History and Future of the
World's Most Addictive Drug

A very good and easy to understand book that will be of value to the average reader or the student, interested in cocaine. Includes information about the history, synthesis, effects, and other aspects of cocaine.

This book is comprehensive, yet understandable. It will make it possible for anyone to understand the drug without being boring or overly technical.

Cocaine, An In-Depth Look...

Crack in America:
Demon Drugs and Social Justice

Well written, with reliable facts on the medical, legal and social components of crack in the USA.

If you want reliable information in order to make a personal decision about crack and how our society might deal with it, this would be a wise choice.

Crack in America (paperback)
Crack in America (hardcover)

Dark Alliance:
The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion

Very detailed look at how the CIA (the organization entrusted to prevent illegal drugs from being brought into the United States) helped to import and sell crack cocaine on the streets of American cities.

It shows, with thorough descriptions, how the CIA helped Nicaraguan Contra rebels ship planeloads of cocaine into the US. In exchange for cocaine, the Contras got weapons to fight their war in Nicaragua.

Dark Alliance (softcover)
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